Procedure GenerateCut(Arow, local)


The procedure GenerateCut adds a row to the matrix during the solution process of a mixed integer proghram.

     Arow,        ! (input) a scalar value
     [local]      ! (optional, default 1) a scalar binary expression



A scalar reference to an existing row name in the model.


A scalar binary value to indicate whether the cut is valid for the local problem (i.e. the problem corresponding to the current node in the solution process and all its descendant nodes) only (value 1) or for the global problem (value 0).

Return Value

The procedure returns 1 on success, or 0 otherwise.


  • This procedure can only be called from within a CallbackAddCut callback procedure.

  • A CallbackAddCut callback procedure will only be called when solving mixed integer programs with CPLEX, GUROBI or ODH-CPLEX.

See also

See Suffices and Callbacks of the Language Reference for more details on how to install a callback procedure to add cuts.