Workbook Management

External Procedure axll::OpenWorkBook(WorkbookFilename)

This function loads an excel file so it can be manipulated with the functions of this library. It will make it the active workbook, and it’s first sheet the active sheet.


An error is issued when the workbook is already opened.

When done with the workbook, you must call CloseWorkBook to save and close.

String Parameter OpenWorkBook::WorkbookFilename
  • Property – Input

The path to an existing .xlsx or .xls file

External Procedure axll::CreateNewWorkBook(WorkbookFilename, FirstSheetName)

This function creates a new excel file and opens it such that it can be manipulated with the functions of this library. If a file with the given name already exists, this file will be overwritten.

When all modifications are made, you must call CloseWorkBook() to save and close.

String Parameter CreateNewWorkBook::WorkbookFilename
  • Property – Input

The path to the .xlsx or .xls file that you want to create.

String Parameter CreateNewWorkBook::FirstSheetName
  • Property – Optional

(Optional) The name of the single sheet in the newly created workbook. If you leave this empty the sheet will be named “Sheet1”.

External Procedure axll::CloseWorkBook(WorkbookFilename)

This function closes the internal in-memory representation of the workbook that corresponds to the given file name. If any modifications have been made to this workbook, these will be saved back to the given file name.

After this call, there is no active workbook and thus no active sheet.


An error is issued when the workbook is not open.

String Parameter CloseWorkBook::WorkbookFilename
  • Property – Input

The name of an .xlsx or .xls file that was previously opened via a call to OpenWorkBook or CreateNewWorkBook.

External Procedure axll::SelectSheet(SheetName)

This function will make the given sheet the active sheet. Most of the other functions in this library operate on the active sheet.

String Parameter SelectSheet::SheetName
  • Property – Input

The name of an existing sheet in the active workbook.

External Procedure axll::IsExistingSheet(SheetName)
  • ReturnType – integer

With this function you can check whether a sheet with the given name exists in the workbook. The function returns 1 if the sheet exists, 0 otherwise.

String Parameter IsExistingSheet::SheetName
  • Property – Input

The name of an existing sheet in the active workbook.

External Procedure axll::DeleteSheet(SheetName)

This function will delete the specified sheet in the current workbook. If it is the currently selected sheet, you must select another sheet after this call before using any of the functions that operate on the currently active sheet.

String Parameter DeleteSheet::SheetName
  • Property – Input

The name of an existing sheet in the active workbook.

External Procedure axll::CreateSheet(SheetName, InsertBeforeThisSheet)

This function will create a new sheet in the current workbook.

String Parameter CreateSheet::SheetName
  • Property – Input

The name of the new to be created sheet. If the sheet already exists an error is triggered.

String Parameter CreateSheet::InsertBeforeThisSheet
  • Property – Optional

(Optional) The new sheet will be inserted just to the left of this existing sheet. If you leave this empty, the new sheet will be appended as last sheet.

External Procedure axll::CopySheet(SourceSheetName, NewSheetName, InsertBeforeThisSheet)

This function will create a new sheet in the current workbook that is a copy of an existing sheet.

String Parameter CopySheet::InsertBeforeThisSheet
  • Property – Optional

(Optional) The new sheet will be inserted just to the left of this existing sheet. If you leave this empty, the new sheet will be appended as last sheet.

String Parameter CopySheet::SourceSheetName
  • Property – Input

The name of an existing sheet in the active workbook. The contents of this sheet will be copied to the newly created sheet.

String Parameter CopySheet::NewSheetName
  • Property – Input

The name of the new to be created sheet. If the sheet already exists an error is triggered.

External Procedure axll::SelectWorkBook(WorkbookFilename)

This function makes a previously loaded excel file the active workbook. It also makes it’s last used sheet the active sheet.

String Parameter SelectWorkBook::WorkbookFilename
  • Property – Input

The name of an .xlsx or .xls file that was previously opened via a call to OpenWorkBook or CreateNewWorkBook.

External Procedure axll::CloseAllWorkBooks

This function closes all workbooks that have been opened by calls to OpenWorkBook or CreateNewWorkBook. Calling this function is the same as calling CloseWorkBook explicitly for every open workbook.

External Procedure axll::WorkBookIsOpen(WorkbookFilename)
  • ReturnType – integer

This function checks whether the given .xlsx or .xls file has previously been opened (and not yet closed) via a call to OpenWorkBook or CreateNewWorkBook. The function returns 1 if the workbook is open, or 0 otherwise.

String Parameter WorkBookIsOpen::WorkbookFilename
  • Property – Input

The path name of an .xlsx or .xls file.