Sets Read Write

External Procedure axll::WriteSet(SetReference, SetRange, AllowRangeOverflow)

This function writes the elements of a set to the active Excel sheet.


  • An error occurs if the range is too small, except when AllowRangeOverflow is set to 1.

  • Remaining cells are emptied if the there are more cells than set elements.

  • When writing a calendar set, the cells will be formatted as Date/Time unless the option CalendarElementsAsStrings is set to 1.

Set WriteSet::SetReference
  • Property – Input

The (simple) set to be written to excel.

String Parameter WriteSet::SetRange
  • Property – Input

The 1 dimensional excel range where the data should be written, either horizontal or vertical.

Examples: “A1:A10” or “B2:M2”

Parameter WriteSet::AllowRangeOverflow
  • Range[0, 1]

  • Property – Optional

optional (default 0): if set to 1 and the cardinality of the set is greater than the size of the range, then the write operation is allowed to extend the range to the needed size.

External Procedure axll::ReadSet(SetReference, SetRange, ExtendSuperSets, MergeWithExistingElements, SkipEmptyCells)

This function reads the cells of a range from the active excel sheet and converts them to elements in the given set reference.

Set ReadSet::SetReference
  • Property – InOut

The (simple) set to which the elements should be added. If the argument MergeWithExistingElements is set to 0, the set will first be emptied.

String Parameter ReadSet::SetRange
  • Property – Input

The 1 dimensional excel range where the data resides, either horizontal or vertical.

Examples: “A1:A10” or “B2:M2”

Parameter ReadSet::ExtendSuperSets
  • Range[0, 2]

  • Property – Input

This determines what should happen with elements that are not present in the super set of the given set.


  • 0 : elements not in the parent set result in an error

  • 1 : elements not in the parent set are added recursively

  • 2 : elements not in the parent set are skipped

If SetReference does not refer to a set that has the subsetOf attribute specified, then this argument is ignored.

Parameter ReadSet::MergeWithExistingElements
  • Property – Optional

(optional) Default is 0. If this option is set to 1 then the elements from the range are added to the current content of the set. If set to 0, the set is first emptied and then the elements are added.

Parameter ReadSet::SkipEmptyCells
  • Property – Optional

(optional) Default is 0.

  • If set to 0, reading of the range stops as soon as an empty cell is encountered and a warning is raised.

  • If set to 1, an empty cell in the range is simply skipped.